Act 4 Us
Learning Arabic
I went to Abu Dhabi in the UAE (United Arab Emirates), on the Persian Gulf, during the first Gulf War.
My group worked two shifts; and, I had to share a car with the night shift between our hotel and the Gulf Air hanger, where we set up our equipment.
We had to share that car, everywhere we went.
I was fascinated by the Emirati‘s culture and language; but, had no opportunity to go exploring on my own.
I had a chance to get funds for a land deal; and, return to explore the Arab penisula after the Saudi’s bought their own Apaches.
I became friends with an Arab who invited me into his home, to help me become better at speaking and writing Arabic.
He taught from the Koran; and, I believe he was trying to convert me to Islam.
I bought my own Koran with English and parallel Arabic text, and read the entire thing.
There were many contradictions in a book that was supposed to be the unchanging word of God, preserved or guarded at His throne in the seventh heaven.

In spite claiming that the Koran was already complete, the Messenger revealed that the further revelations would be sent down gradually, in stages.” to “strengthen your heart”… whatever that means.

In the Satanic Verses Allah (if he exists) refers to pagan goddesses. This revelation is supposedly from the Koran guarded in the seventh heaven.

If the Mighty and All-Knowing is real; Is He stupid, for allowing pagan goddesses to be mentioned in his “guarded” Koran? Abrogation should NOT happen in a “guarded” Koran; however, in “Mecca” it was revealed that verses could be replaced.

After the Messenger’s followers returned from the Christians in Ethiopia, they were forced live apart from the pagans of Mecca/Becca/Petra. It was a time of famine and drought for the Muslims. The Messenger was also troubled, and one morning “revealed” that the Angel Gabriel, had given him a mythical steed to carry him to a distant mosque.

Al Buraq, which is alleged to have legs, that could stretch to the horizon, carried the Messenger to the rubble of the second Jewish temple (now the Muslim Dome of the Rock). After hitching Buraq, the Messenger alleged that he preached a moving sermon, and then Gabriel helped him take a ladder to the heavens.
Below, is what that Buraq supposedly look like.

After pagans laughed at his yarn, calling him crazy, the Messenger added wings to Al Burak, enabling him to go the distance much more quickly.

An Anthony Quinn movie “The Message” fills in much of the story of Islam, not in the Koran. It shows followers sent to a Christian King for refuge while the Messenger stayed behind, under the protection of his Uncle.
When his Uncle passed, the Messenger fled toward Yathrib (now Medina).
The Koresh wanted to kill the Messenger and hired an expert tracker, who led them to an undisturbed cave. They left the cave without noticing the Prophet or his white camel’s tracks. To get the Messenger to negotiate peace between King of Yathrib’s Arab and Jewish residents, the Muslims were also allowed to stay.

In Medina, the Messenger tried to get his followers to go on a raid; but, they were not interested.
A new verse was “revealed” from the “guarded” Koran allegedly from the seventh heaven; but, the followers evidently did not like the odds. A new revelation quickly followed from that “guarded” Koran, saying in effect “Did Allah say ten to one? What he REALLY meant was you could overcome twice your number.”

Also in Medina, it was revealed again that guarded and supposedly unchanging verses could be replaced, by a Knowing and Wise God that evidently seemed to be too stupid to realize that Satan had cast something into what the Messenger would reveal.

Later in Medina, the Messenger revealed another verse in the Koran that says in effect, if he had made up false sayings, his aorta would have been cut. Since he was still standing, Allah and his angels approved the Satanic and other verses.
Of course if Allah was NOT real, nothing would happened either.